Saturday, March 6, 2010

1/2 Whole Wheat Buttermilk pancakes

It’s important to me that my family eat healthy food, but I also want to let them eat “normal” foods. Not only that, but if I go overboard with too much whole wheat flour or pasta, my husband complains that I’m feeding them “cardboard.” I’ve found a way to compromise with both viewpoints by using half and half. When I make spaghetti for instance, I use half whole wheat pasta and half regular pasta. When I make baked goods, I use half whole wheat flour and half unbleached white flour. Here is a recipe for pancakes where I’ve adjusted the ingredients to make it a healthier treat. I’ve substituted vegetable oil for safflower oil which is a healthier oil, but unlike olive oil, has no flavor. We’ve also started topping our pancakes with applesauce instead of syrup. Try it, it is delicious!

1/2 Whole Wheat Buttermilk pancakes

1 C unbleached white flour
1 C whole wheat flour
1 T sugar
1 ½ tsp baking soda
1 ½ salt
1 egg beaten
1 ½ C buttermilk *
¼ C safflower oil

Sift dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Mix wet ingredients in a medium bowl, then slowly mix into dry ingredients just until combined. Do not over mix. Preheat griddle and lightly oil with safflower oil. Put desired amount of batter on your griddle and cook until bubbles begin to appear at the top of the pancake. Flip and cook on the other side. Top with applesauce or pure maple syrup.

*In a pinch, here is a great buttermilk substitute: mix 1 ½ cup milk with 1 ½ T white vinegar. Let sit for 10 minutes before using. I almost always use this substitution since I usually make pancakes on a whim and don’t usually have buttermilk in the fridge. This will also means less fat in your pancakes.

Here’s a link for a great cookie recipe containing zucchini, granola, and oatmeal. Ok, so that was probably not a good way to advertise them, but trust me, they’re REALLY good! This is one of the recipes where I use half white flour and half wheat.

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